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KRG Honey Paste 250g * 2

This product adds natural herbal extracts and honey to the 6-years-grown Korean red ginseng extract. Soft and mild taste may attract consumers who have little experience of the bitter taste of red ginseng extract.

Dosage two times a day, 10g a time 1日2次, 1次 10g
Volume 250g*2Btl
Chinese n/a
Korean 6년근 홍삼농축액(주원료)에 숙지황, 복령, 벌꿀 등의 부원료를 함께 넣어 정관장의 노하우로 만든 건강기능식품으로, 온 가족이 함께 즐길 수 있도록 부드러운 맛을 지닌 제품입니다.

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